Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not Wanting to Give Up

It's been four days since my procedure.  Just three days from when I received the call from the doctor, telling me none of my eggs were fertilized.  I have been feeling withdrawn a bit; depressed.  My kids were starting to ask questions, as I had not really talked to them about my baby plans.  I was cautious enough with the statistics of in-vitro to not mention anything too early; and save my kids the despair of a loss and lots of questions.  So I had to perk up and move about, do a few things with them.  They are my blessings and I am grateful.  I was surprised about how I have been feeling; the emotional response I have been going through.  But since the failed attempt of having embryos, I felt a tremendous loss; just like a death.  Maybe as if I had already miscarried.  I was not expecting to feel this way.  For the past nearly seven months, a large focus of my day to day life, has been about preparing my body and planning for this conception.  And yet, so quickly, and coldly, it was over.  Almost like I don't know what to do with myself through the day.  Surely, I get up and take care of my family and go to work, but it's like this has been a big focus for me, and now it's over; it's gone.  What else do I do with that part of me.  It's played a big part in my perspective on future endeavors and plans...and now, just nothing.  I'm out of money; I'm scrambling trying to discover resources, grants, scholarships, lost/unclaimed money, foundations, ...anything.

I'm not ready for this journey to be over.  Even if there is failure, I would at least like to have another try or two.  My Nicholas, has been so wonderful; willing to consider additional medical procedures of his own, in an effort to protect my health.  I think he may even go out of a financial limb to try to do whatever he can so I can have this dream come true.  It's not really feasible or smart to our future to go bankrupt.  I have found myself seeking other blogs and posts regarding others in this situation; still seeking, trying to conceive.  I keep re-reading data and statistics, trying to find glimmers of underlying hope to apply to my situation.  But I am aware that the facts could easily be stacked against me. I do happen to be healthy; and the fact that I have had two other uncomplicated pregnancies.  I responded well to the IVF medications; there were just some problems with not being able to retrieve all my eggs.  I also had an issue with the clinic service; the MD on for my procedure had never seen me before that day; and I wonder if that affected my outcome.  Additionally, our sperm were a bit challenged and we were told several vials would have to be used from our supply; the fact that only two were used, makes me wonder, did we have a fair assessment of the sperm that were chosen for the fertilization process.  These issues I am currently dealing with; planned for a meeting with the director.  We made financial decisions based on the facts of the information given to us about the sperm.  The fact that they only used two, when I was told we would only have enough for one cycle; made us under-purchase whenever we were making our loan decisions.  We could have easily upgraded the loan for the IVF package; and I would be planning for a second cycle now; but instead, I'm stuck; no further financial options.  I would have to consider a second loan now.  For that, I feel so guilty.  My credit is horrible from my prior divorce; and my significant other placed his name and credit on the line for us with no hesitations; and I feel responsible for a debt that has left us with no sight of a baby in our future.  All we have is a payment booklet for the next five years.

I set this blog up out of desperation; thinking I may stumble upon the view of people who would be touched by my situation; who would give donations.  Of course, I have no real computer experience about stuff like this.  My thoughts are--without me making a public spectacle of myself on You-Tube or Twitter or Facebook, I will never get any real publicity that will afford me attention or monies.  I am extremely shy and private and for the most part do not believe a lot in social media.  I have seen people charged for serious crimes who do blogsites to raise money for their court cases, that get more attention than I realistically expect to get.  But one thing I can say about this process that I am going through as I write this.--It seems to serve as some level of emotional healing for me.  It's an outlet.  So here I am, letting out...not wanting to give up.

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